EcoShield Building Systems

The EcoShield Building’s Systems, LLC (“EBS”) as an investment opportunity is being offered by a sister company; Sapient Property Group, LLC.
EBS proposes to purchase the exclusive license from the Patent Holder to manufacture, distribute and utilize a patented SIP (Structurally Insulated Panel) panel system for the state of Texas. This panel system is appropriate for building single family homes, office building, hotels, retail, industrial and Multi-family type projects. This panel utilizes galvanized steel and Expanded Poly Styrene (which looks something like Styrofoam, but isn’t). As of this writing, utilizing this method of construction costs less than conventional construction methods and utilizing this panel system has the following other significant benefits over conventional building methods:
- Much faster to erect. Using EBS construction time can be reduced by up to 50% saving labor costs and interim interest costs (which is significant given the rising interest rates).
- Stronger. Management believes that this product can even be engineered to resist tornadoes and hurricanes which will be well received in areas which experience these type events.
- This product results in a building which is about 5 times more energy efficient, requiring smaller HVAC systems and saving utility costs.
- The panels are waterproof, fire-proof, bug-proof, mold and mildew-proof; all characteristics that regulating agencies are trending toward.
- This product has excellent sound proofing qualities which makes it ideal for multi-family and hospitality projects virtually eliminating sound pollution from neighboring units, hallways, elevators etc.
- The manufacture of the EcoShield building system creates zero pollution and all scrap materials are recycled.
- Labor savings – Depending upon the type of structure (certainly with one or two story projects) you do not need expensive framers to erect buildings with EBS’s panel system. Builders can hire $12/hr. labor and easily train them to put up the panels.
- Competitive Market Advantage – Projects built the EBS way will enjoy a competitive edge due lower utility cost and all of the other aforesaid advantages.
EBS anticipates purchasing land and an existing building for EBS’s manufacturing plant. As EBS’s production increases there is ample excess land on the property to expand the existing building as needed.
WE ALREADY HAVE CUSTOMERS – At this writing, EBS has already lined up an impressive list of builders and developers who have learned of our plans to manufacture this building system (See Pro Forma) and desire to hire EBS to manufacture panels for their buildings. (This accomplishment should enable EBS to be profitable within 4 months of start up). Rising wood prices have caused builders to seek less expensive construction methods. And, EBS’s building system is not only less expensive but offers the previously mentioned advantages over conventional building systems. Sapient Property Group, LLC will also be a customer of EBS as it intends to utilize EBS’s building system on all of its projects as the benefits to be derived from the EBS Building system’s many benefits was the major catalyst for founding EBS itself. As of this writing Sapient Property Group has roughly $540,000,000 in ground up developments in its pipeline. Two of these will be shovel ready in roughly four months. The profit from manufacturing the exterior walls, exterior walls and the roof super structure from these three projects will earn EBS $7,034,280.00 in revenue. Additionally, our development partner owns a single family building company and he will be a customer of EBS. The other projects are anticipated to be shovel ready over the next six to 12 months. It is noteworthy that none of the revenue reflected in our pro forma are reflected in our revenue projections, thus we feel our revenue projections are very understated. Additionally, EBS plans to utilize Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and social media advertising to drive traffic to its website along with synergistic marketing (see below).
CAPITALIZATION – EBS intends to raise $6,500,000.00 in total capitalization in return for a 30% annualized Preference Return. This project will incur no debt. The minimum investment amount is $100,000 and all investors must meet the standards for being an Accredited Investor.
PREFERRED RETURN – The investors will enjoy an annualized Preference Return of 30% until such time as their original capital is returned. Once they receive the return of their original capital plus their 30% Preference Return their participation and ownership shall be considered bought out/purchased and thereafter EBS shall have no further obligation whatsoever to the investors.
LOCATION – The Company anticipates purchasing its own building to include ample land for building expansion as growth in production dictates. This strategy eliminates risk since the company will not have a monthly rental expense and provides appreciation of the property as an added value.
MANAGEMENT – John Zeman will serve as the General Manager of EBS. John originally worked for the Panel System Patent Developer and has extensive experience manufacturing and installing these SIPs to include a large project in Africa. John is a chemical engineer by education and previously held the position of Division President with Kodak. As of this writing, Mr. Zeman is available and eager to serve as the General Manager of EBS.
THE PATENTS (INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS) – The company already has the exclusive license to manufacture and utilize the manufactured product in the state of Texas and can sell the product anywhere to end users. The company has also negotiated an agreement with the patent developer/owner (“IP Owner”) to the effect that if management decides to take the company public the IP owner has agreed that it will contribute the patents for 50% of the public shares and management will contribute the operating company (EcoShield) for 50% of the public shares; thus, the IPO becomes a JV the ownership of EcoShield and the IP Owner.
FINANCIAL PROJECTIONS: See Pro Forma for further details.
EXPANSION PLANS – Initially, Management plans to build a solid footprint financially with the initial location, expanding the existing facility as demand dictates. Once procedures and practices have reached a satisfactory level Management envisions expanding within the state of Texas with two additional locations with one in the Austin area and one in the Houston area. Thereafter, the company plans to purchase additional licenses in select states and may seek to expand overseas as well. Management sees opportunities in the eastern states which annually experience Hurricanes, such as Florida as the EBS building system can be manufactured to resist Hurricane force winds. A similar opportunity exists in states like Oklahoma which routinely experience tornadoes as the EBS system should be able to be manufactured to resist tornado force winds. In areas like California, which routinely experience forest fires, the EBS system itself is fire-proof. And by utilizing finishing products which are also fire-proof a home could be built as a fire-proof home which is certain to be favored by homeowners in fire zones and by the insurance industry.
In addition to expanding domestically, Management sees the opportunity to expand into other countries, significantly expanding the company’s footprint. The ultimate objective, of course, is the IPO.
Management plans to hire a workforce to install its product as many potential customers have told us that this would be an attractive service for the company to provide. And, this workforce will, in itself be a profit center. The company’s business plan also includes building hunting blinds to sell to companies which sell sporting goods such as Orvis, Cabela’s and Dick’s Sporting Goods. The installation workforce could be utilized to build the hunting blinds should they have down time between installation jobs. In this fashion the installation workforce would have no unproductive time and at the same time this arrangement provides an additional profit center for the company. Otherwise, the company will hire employees, as necessary, to manufacture this product. Building hunting blinds would utilize the scrap materials left over from manufacturing SIPs for builders and thus would require very little to no purchase of additional materials for this purpose.
VERTICLE INTEGRATION – The company envisions incorporating Vertical Integration into its business plan at some point. Among the opportunities management sees is producing its own Expanded Polystyrene and steel material rather than purchasing it from suppliers thus reducing the cost of the raw materials and bringing the savings to the company’s bottom line.
Another possibility under consideration is forming a Joint Venture with an existing home builder to build single family homes. The advantages of the EBS building system incorporated into a home building division would provide a significant marketing advantage over other builders who use conventional building systems as well as add to the company’s bottom line. The home building division would have significant expansion potential.
The solar energy area is one that we see as a good fit for vertical integration; perhaps via becoming a distributer for solar panels and then using the solar panels for its own developments as well as selling it to the builder/developer customers of EBS. And, there may be other similar opportunities with other product manufactures such as those companies which we form co-marketing arrangements with.
SYNERGETIC MARKETING – In addition to utilizing SEO, management envisions structuring synergistic marketing deals with companies which manufacture or sell related products and services in areas such as solar, windows, stone and brick, landscaping, roof, HVAC, electrical etc. The idea is to have reciprocal marketing agreements with a link from their web sites highlighting EBS and with a link on EBS’s web site highlighting their product, thus driving traffic from their web site to ours and vise versa.
CONCLUDING REMARKS – As the company expands domestically and abroad, growing in profitability, we believe there will be an opportunity to either sell the company or to take it public. The building industry has done little over the years to innovate and has largely been building with same methodology for a very long time. The current political environment seems determined to pursue a “Green” policy which bodes well for EBS’s future. As of this writing, the economy is strong, home building is booming as well as many commercial real estate sectors. Municipalities are also trending toward building systems which are environmentally friendly and which have the characteristics that EBS’ building system offers. In summary, EBS is uniquely positioned to take advantage of the trends which our envisioned in our business plan. All of these factors seem to indicate a strong potential for growth which will enhance the Company’s viability and potential for our exit strategy.
- Phase 1 – 130 acres develops 283 single family lots, 28 acres of commercial and 300 multifamily units. Total cost to fully entitle and develop the horizontal development into build ready lots for the single family lots and to develop both horizontal and vertical construction for the multi-family project is estimated at $96,225,000.00.
- Phase 2 – 140 acres develops 448 single family lots. Total cost to fully entitle and develop horizontal construction into build ready lots is estimated at 29,400,000.00.
- Phase 3 – 202 acres develops 801 single family lots. Total cost to fully entitle and develop horizontal construction into build ready lots is estimated to be $48,550,000.00.
EXIT STRATEGY: It will take roughly one year to get this project shovel ready. Both the multi-family and single family will take about year to develop. We anticipate that the full exit from this investment can be achieved in five to six years from inception. We anticipate that the single family lots will be sold to various home builders and the Multi-family will be sold to other users.
- Multifamily Opportunity – approximately 12 acres planned for 264 units (zoned for up to 300 units). Estimated cost to fully entitle and develop both horizontal and vertical construction is $40,965,000.00.
EXIT STRATEGY: We anticipate that it will take about six to eight months to get this project shovel ready and about eight months to fully develop this project. We anticipate full exit from this investment in about five to six years by selling it to another user.
Approximately 10 acres of land which we plan to develop into 70 units, consisting of 35 duplexes. It will take 6 -8 months to get this project shovel ready. Estimated cost to fully entitle and develop both horizontal and vertical construction is $14,614,000.00
EXIT STRATEGY: We anticipate selling this project along with the Black Hills Apartments to another user. However, this project could be sold to a separate user or simply sold off as separate duplexes to multiple buyers. We anticipate full exit from this investment in roughly five to six years.
THE COLONEY AT PARKWAY BEND – Denison, TX – 142 rental townhomes. Estimated cost to fully entitle and develop both horizontal and vertical construction is $33,628,000.00 WE OWN THIS PROPERTY
EXIT STRATEGY: This project can be shovel ready in roughly 120 days and fully developed thereafter in approximately eight to ten months. We anticipate that this project will be sold to another user in five to six years.
OAK VISTA – Denton, TX – 128 duplex townhomes (64 duplexes). Estimated cost to fully entitle and develop both horizontal and vertical construction is $33,792,000.00. UNDER CONTRACT
EXIT STRATEGY: This project is shovel ready now and can be fully developed in eight to ten months and we anticipate selling it to another user in five to six years or less.
ECOSHIELD BUILDING SYSTEMS, LLC – $6.500,000.00 Capital Requirement.
EXIT STRATEGY: We anticipate giving the investor a 30% annualized return returning his original capital plus his return in two years or less.
We project that all of these projects, with the exception of EBS, should produce a 15% to 20% annualized return to the investor. SBS should produce a 30% annualized return to the investor.
Note: these projects are not currently reflected as revenue in the company’s pro forma as the timing for these projects has not yet been determined. As a result, the revenue in our pro forma is likely significantly understated as the revenue will be substantially improved as the Sapient projects come on line.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Additional information, dialogue or discussion may be obtained by contacting: Robert L. Cannon at 214-901-4645 or by email at:
CONFIDENTIALITY STATEMENT: The information contained in this flyer is confidential and to be used for the purpose of providing prospective investors with information pertaining to a proposed investment opportunity and to determine their interest level in such a project. This flyer is not to be transmitted, or reproduced, nor must any information contained or incorporated by reference in it be made available to any other person or company or used for any purposes other than determining whether or not a prospective investor may have an interest in the proposed investment opportunity described in this flyer.
RISK DISCLOSURE: Prospective investors should be aware that purchasing an interest from the company is speculative and involves a high degree of risk. Investors may lose all or part of their investment. Prospective investors may request any additional prior performance or operational history relating to the management of the company via written request prior to investing. Conflicts of interest between the management’s services and best interest of our company may arise. While the company believes the assumptions and forward looking statements contained in the business plan are reasonable, the company cannot guarantee future results, level of activity, performance or achievements. Anticipated returns or distributions discussed in this flyer are based upon assumptions and are not reflective of past operations of the company.